Mikes-uti Jill
Born: 28/12/2004
Results: 6x CAC, 4 x BOB, Res CACIB, 2 x CACIB
Owner: László Paraszt
Mikes-uti Cooper
Skansen's Caddilac
Skansen's Toy R'Us
Carlena's Bad To The Bone
Skansen's Black Q
Skansen's Racquetball
Skansen's Opus One
Skansen's Prinsessan
Goodbey Again V.D. Spikke
Gauner V. D. Spikke
Magic V. D. Spikke
Suelen Moldau North
Leedomaine Mistrel Man of Moldau
Leedomaine Fair And Square of Moldau
Mikes-uti Zili
Mikes-uti Chechmate
Leedomaine Mistrel Man of Moldau
Skansen's Nissen of Crameersha
Skansen's My Fair Lady of Leedomaine
Good bey Again V. D. Spikke
Suelen Moldau North
Mikes-Uti My Fair Lady
Peacemaker's Black Rock
Woezel VD Spikke
Forgy VD Havenstadt
Jebema Canada Night Staff
SandCastle Color Magic
Jebema Canada Elan Noire
Owner: Laszló Paraszt